Lensa Indo. Struggling in politics certainly needs cost. That is social reality in politics for sure. Because of this reality, not all good people can be leaders in political contestation.

 This is mentioned by Prabowo in a discussion with the topic “LEADERSHIP” through DIGDAYA TV live in Facebook channel.

To finance a political activity is very expensive. For example is the regional general election for West Java Province. It is populated by more or less 44 than million people. It is bigger than Malaysia. Ideally the candidate of governor must visit 27 regencies around West Java, visiting each district and villages. Prabowo explained this with a serious manner.

Let us imagine. Visiting each regency, city, and town, at minimum level, needs transportation cost. In additional it needs also cost for buying food and many other extra costs. Campaign is bringing people in public places. We need to give them drink such as tea, coffee, mineral water too. Indeed these activities need cost too.

As the General Leader of GERINDRA Party, I am responsible of all GERINDRA members and supporters. I need to select all good people who have integrity, capability, and acceptability to be voted by citizens.

However, not all good people have sufficient financially to support their political activities. That is why there is an anecdote for leader candidates that they need to have capacity and “full wallet and bag” said Prabowo in laughter.

We need to speak openly and frankly about this situation. That is why GERINDRA colleagues and I are trying to create a mechanism for those who want to lighten up the political cost ran by GERINDRA. It is aimed preventing to be indebted from financiers. It is better to be indebted from people in general” said Prabowo.

However, we need to appreciate General Election Commissions or KPU who has made regulation related to advertisement on TV, putting banners, billboard, and etc. Hopefully those policies and regulations can produce relative cheaper of political processes of Indonesia” added Prabowo.
To lead in good way is right and obligation for a candidate who has been elected according to constitution. it is also right of citizens to vote leaders who have moral and responsibility to create prosperity for all citizens.

Dear readers and viewers of DIGDAYA TV, do you agree with this idea?


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